Solar Energy


ISFIS stands at the ready to help your district explore renewable energy projects. The cost of solar installations has fallen dramatically in recent years, and it now pencils out for most districts in the State. If costs are paid by the PPEL or Sales Tax dollars, the result can be the virtual elimination of electricity costs to your General Fund.

We have tools available here to help you decide if it works for your district, or just give us a call, and we'll work you through the process. It's easier than you think. Contact Jon Muller to get started. 


Authorization Forms

To begin the analysis to determine if a solar project is right for your district, we will need 12 months of your utility bills scanned and sent to us. Or you can complete the appropriate authorization forms for Alliant Energy or MidAmerican Energy and we can save you the time of pulling that information together. 

Solar Energy Considerations for Iowa Schools

View the PowerPoint - Two major factors have accelerated the adoption of solar energy in Iowa and across the country. The price of solar installations has dropped dramatically, making electricity competitive with grid electricity for many consumers. At the same time, generous federal tax credits are expiring at the end of 2016, creating a sense of urgency. As is often the case, the situation for schools presents some advantages, but also some wrinkles. There are many applications and financing alternatives in the marketplace. Some work well for schools, and some do not. The presentation provides a basic understanding of the economics of solar energy as it pertains to Iowa schools and school finance law, and whether solar installations are likely to be a good fit for your district.